
Pickers App

Mobile App / 10.06.2021


The pickers app was elaborated to manage the picking of orders in a shop which are created from the ecommerce..

We launched an MVP for this application and over time included enhanced features in the experience.


Improve aesthetically and functional experience


Product Designer Lead


We analyzed the orders delivered, the data showed a significant reduction in orders which affected the customer satisfaction rate and conversion rate.

I decided to lead a brainstorming session in our team to gather various concepts and ideas on possible features that would improve picker on time and consequently customer satisfaction.

I also conducted usability tests that helped me understand the pain points in the end-users journey, which we call “pickers”.

5 participants.
Age range: 20-45 years old.
Experience levels: Intermedium mobile app users.

I started defining the most important KPI in the experience:

  • Time to complete a specific task
  • Number of taps
  • Success 


The findings were:
Task Completion Rate:
92% of participants completed all assigned tasks.
The most difficult tasks to complete were rescheduling an order and attaching media.
Average Time to Complete:
The fastest task to complete was starting a new chat with the support area (average: 0,6 seg).
The slowest task was rescheduling an order (average: 4 minutes).
Most Common Errors:
60% of participants experienced difficulties in not finding the order assigned to each participant.
40% of participants had trouble finding the function to finalize the enlistment of an order.

Opinions and Comments:

A suggestion was made to add a shortcut to their orders instead of scrolling to find new ones.
Participants expressed frustration with the lack of visual feedback when completing a task.

Exploring solutions

Start packing

The App was designed thinking in the layout of each store, the picker will see the list of products organized by categories, this improves the time of enlistment.

Old Design
New Design


After the launch of the Button Navigation Bar, we saw a reduction in the first week of June to 44% overall on time, this may be due to the learning curve of the new features.

In the 4th week of June, we see a significant increase in orders arriving on time.

The increase in the % of orders showing on time has persisted since the inclusion of BNB.

Opinions and Comments:

Most participants praised the clean interface and overall ease of use of the application.

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